Inclusion Strategy Advisory Group (ISAG)

RECRUITING: New Inclusion Strategy Advisory Group

We are currently looking for enthusiastic individuals to be part of our new Inclusion Strategy Advisory Group (ISAG). 


We are currently looking for enthusiastic individuals to be part of our new Inclusion Strategy Advisory Group (ISAG).

Our recently launched strategy '#NorfolkFootball ForALL' identified our desire to establish a group that will contribute towards embedding inclusion across all of Norfolk FA’s operations and culture.

The key roles of the group are outlined below: 

·         To check, challenge and support the County FA on the #NorfolkFootball ForALL strategy with regards to inclusion, equality and diversity.

·         Build good relationships with, and between, all our communities to ensure that all football participants are represented equally.

·         Eliminate unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment and victimisation and any form of abuse directed at any group within society.

·         Be at the forefront of advancing equality of opportunity amongst all our communities as well as having a focus on protected characteristics.

We are encouraging expressions of interest from individuals who have a passion to promote inclusivity in Norfolk football and who believe they can contribute strategic insight, experience and/or ideas that will help us achieve the our goals.

Interested in getting involved?

Please see the attached document which gives full details of the group, outlines its aims and objectives and identifies what would be expected from a member of the ISAG. You will also find an expression of interest form included which we would ask you to complete and return if you'd like to get involved.

If you have any questions regarding the group, please contact our Football Development Officer (Inclusion), Rachel Cossey via

Let’s make #NorfolkFootball For All!