Groundsman with fork

The Institute of Groundsmanship & COVID-19

The IOG have created a new section on their website regarding COVID-19.

The Institute of Groundsmanship (IOG) have created a new section on their website to support those working and volunteering in the grounds management sector.

The section is a central hub collating relevant information in relation to Coronavirus for the convenience of the IOG’s members. The IOG have utilised the information issued by other expert organisations like Perennial, Money Advice Service, NGBs, NHS and Chartered Institute of Professional Development. The aim of the Covid-19 section is from this information professionals, volunteers, the self-employed, employers/corporates etc can make their ‘own’ informed decision *(with employers or local grassroots club committee as appropriate) regarding ‘if to work’ and how to adhere to appropriate safe grounds management in line with Government and NHS guidelines.

This will be an evolving and dynamic area of the IOG website as new information/guidelines come out and previous information/guidelines become redundant or superseded. The link to the Covid section is

The IOG have also been working closely with various National Governing Bodies of Sport to offer advice and guidance on what works may be possible to be carried out throughout this period, and, what works may be required once sport resumes. The attached document provides interim technical guidance for groundsman, with a particular focus on works required prior to the eventual reinstatement of pitches.