Benefits of Small Sided Football

Benefits of Small Sided Games

Football Development
Join the Grassroots Coach Development team for a session where they will bring to life examples of small sided games.

Benefits of Small Sided Games

Venue: theFDC (NR5 9ED)

Date: Tuesday 23 November
Time: 7pm-9:30pm
Host(s): Amanda Greenslade, Jo Williams & Harry Diggens

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Overview of the event 
Join the Grassroots Coach Development team for a session where they will bring to life examples of small sided games and how they can be used to benefit the development of your players holistically. They will share a range of in and out of possession small sided games designed to help develop more skilful players.

Questions this workshop will aim to answer:

  • Why should I do small sided games in my sessions?
  • How do small sided games link to the FA 4 Corner Model?
  • How small sided games can help further develop our players?

What can coaches expect to take away? 

  • Some example practices that they could use to support them with this topic.
  • An understanding of the benefits of small sided games to aid progress and the development of skilful players.
  • An insight into utilising constraints/practice considerations* within small sided games to support players skill progression.