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match official appointments for Norfolk clubs

a guide to match appointments for norfolk referees


Match official appointments for Norfolk affiliated adult leagues, County Cups, Representative matches and a selection of other fixtures will be undertaken centrally by Norfolk FA’s Referee Appointments Officers (RAO), with the exception of the referee and assistant referee appointments for the Supply League Pool.

Norfolk FA Information For Match Officials - Season 2023-24


Get In Touch

By Phone: 01603 704050

By Email:


  • Referees are to ensure they update their relevant YesRef availability on their account calendar as and when known. Where exceptional circumstances prevail, availability must be submitted by other recordable means. Please note this must include Supply League Pool appointments and any National FA appointments
  • Level 4 Referees are to close their dates as soon as they have received their National List appointments and any other subsequent appointments
  • Availability includes midweek and is not just restricted to Saturdays and Sundays
  • No assumptions are made on availability by Norfolk FA even though most Appointment Officers work on the basis of a date is open unless closed. With all other factors equal, failure to communicate an accurate diary regularly will lead to a restriction on appointments offered. For example, during periods where matches are at a premium a referee whose ‘Closed Dates’ availability is more trusted will be appointed ahead of another whose isn’t


  • Wherever possible appointments will be made 2 weeks in advance of a fixture
  • Saturday League Appointments will normally follow once the EA Pool selection of Assistant Referees have been made and in line with level hierarchy and posted YesRef availability
  • Referees will receive the match appointment via YesRef and referees will need to login to their accounts to confirm the appointments.
  • Once you have confirmed on YesRef, referees with a valid and verified email address will receive an automated email from Full-Time once assigned to a fixture containing details of their appointment.
  • Those Referees without access to email will receive their appointments by telephone



  • Referees will only need to confirm their match via YesRef. In previous seasons you had to forward the email to however this does NOT need to be done this season.
  • If in the unlikely event that a Referee declines a fixture, please make contact with the relevant appointments officer and the relevant date should be amended on YesRef to show ‘Closed’.
  • Those Referees without access to email/ YesRef must maintain weekly contact with their Referee Appointments Officer (RAO), directly, to confirm availability and any appointments made
  • Failure to communicate as required may result in a referee being removed from single or all future appointments


In the unlikely event you have to withdraw from a previously confirmed appointment, within 48 hours of the kick off time, please ensure you follow the below procedure:

  • Call or text the covering RAO or Norfolk FA direct until your ‘Call Off’ is confirmed as actioned, emails are not always sufficient communication notice for short notice periods 
  • If you are aware that an Observer, Match Day Coach or Mentor is planning to attend, also state this
  • Where the Home Team have been in contact, you should also inform them of your call off immediately
  • If calling and you receive no answer from the RAO please leave a clear voice message
  • Update YesRef accordingly

Whenever you have to withdraw from a previously confirmed appointment more than 48 hours prior to the scheduled kick off time, please ensure you follow the below procedure:

  • Email the RAO at ''
  • If you are unable to email, please call or text the Referee Appointments Officer (RAO) on 01603 704050 (Ext. 1; Opt 1,3,2) Work Mobile  07467806238  as soon as possible stating the exact details of the appointment and the reason for being unable to fulfil the commitment 
  • If you are aware that an Observer, Match Day Coach or Mentor is planning to attend, also state this
  • Where the Home Team have been in contact, you should also inform them of your call off immediately
  • If calling and you receive no answer from the RAO please leave a clear voice message
  • Update YesRef accordingly

Contact Details

Harvey Newstead

Referee Development Officer

01603 704050 (opt 1,1,3) Mobile: 07467 806248

Ryan Starkey

Referee Appointments Officer

01603 704050 (opt 1,1,3) Mobile: 07467 806238

The team can be contacted by mobile outside of the official hours published above, but please note that this should be in emergencies only. All other calls should only be made during the hours above.

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